Substantiation of the use of tseloform sorbent in the treatment of pyo-inflammatory diseases of maxillofacial area

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Aim. To study the characteristics of composition of the new sorbent tseloform by the method of electron paramagnetic resonance and to evaluate its impact on the content of free radicals in the gum tissue during experimental periodontitis. Methods. Using the method of electron paramagnetic resonance studied were the characteristics of the composition of the sorbent tseloform, as well as its influence on the content of free radicals in the experimental model of periodontitis. Results. The method of electron paramagnetic resonance made it possible to determined that the sorbent tseloform initially contains a large amount of free radicals (up to 4.6±0.3×1020 for 1 cm3 of a sample), and that is 4.6-4.8 times (p <0.01) greater than in the samples of raw materials and the antiallergenic preparation from cotton cellulose nazaval (England). On the model of acute periodontitis in rats shown was a dramatic increase in the content of nitrogen oxide (II) in the pathologically altered gingival tissue: up to 7.5±0.61×10-7 M (р <0.05). During local treatment with the sorbent tseloform the level of nitric oxide significantly decreased in the gum: up to 3.12±1.85×10-7 M (р <0.05). Conclusion. The sorbent tseloform contains significantly more free radicals than the original raw material, and during local use has a positive effect on the course of the pathological process in an experimental model of periodontitis.

About the authors

M N Khadyeva

Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia; LLC «UniDent» Clinic, Kazan, Russia


R A Galimov

Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia

S S Ksembaev

Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia


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© 2012 Khadyeva M.N., Galimov R.A., Ksembaev S.S.

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