Laparoscopic sanitation of the abdominal cavity in complex treatment of patients with generalized peritonitis

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Aim. To develop a method of programmed laparoscopic sanitation in patients with generalized forms of peritonitis with the use of low-frequency ultrasound energy. Methods. Conducted was an analysis of results of treatment of 211 patients with generalized peritonitis admitted to the surgical department of the City Clinical Hospital №7 from 2000 to 2010. The main group comprised 37 patients in whom laparoscopic sanitation with the use of low-frequency ultrasound was performed. The control group included 174 patients who underwent conventional relaparotomy due to progression of the pathological process in the abdominal cavity. Results. The proposed method of laparoscopic sanitation helped to reduce mortality by 12%, and the development of postoperative complications by 8% compared with control group in patients of the II stage of severity of peritonitis according to the Mannheim peritoneal index. Conclusion. The developed method of programmed videolaparoscopic sanitations of the abdominal cavity with the use of low-frequency ultrasound in patients with generalized peritonitis has a pronounced bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect.

About the authors

I S Malkov

Kazan State Medical Academy, Kazan, Russia

E K Salakhov

Kazan State Medical Academy, Kazan, Russia



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© 2012 Malkov I.S., Salakhov E.K.

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