Justification of the diagnostic algorithm in determining the indications for pathogenetic therapy of dental caries

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Aim. To justify the importance of the diagnostic algorithm in the management of patients with dental caries. Methods. Summarized were authors’ personal and literature data on the factors and conditions of realization of a cariogenic situation, on the predictors of dental caries, as well as on the role of the diagnostic measures. Stressed was the significance of the physical status of the parents and of the normal course of pregnancy for optimal formation of organs and tissues of a child’s oral cavity, which predetermines the healthy dental status of the adult. Results. Presented was the diagnostic algorithm for dental caries, with an emphasis on the importance of assessing the state of local immunity of the oral mucosa, the need for obtaining primary anamnestic information. Outlined were the signs of salivary disorders that contribute to the formation of a cariogenic situation. The items presented in this article may serve as a basis for construction of a diagnostic algorithm for the management of patients with dental caries with the aim of for subsequent planning and implementation of effective pathogenetic therapy of the disease. Conclusion. The correctly selected diagnostic algorithm in the management of patients with dental caries allows the dentist to obtain objective information about the features of the emergence and development of the disease and to define the indications for pathogenetic therapy.

About the authors

V V Gilyazeva

Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia

Email: hedstroem@rambler.ru

I I Giniyatullin

Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia

L D Muratova

Pediatric dental polyclinic № 1, Kazan, Russia


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© 2012 Gilyazeva V.V., Giniyatullin I.I., Muratova L.D.

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