The search for genetic factors of predisposition to the development of liver cirrhosis in the course of viral hepatitis B in patients from the Republic of Bashkortostan

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Aim. To identify the clinical and genetic associations of polymorphisms of the detoxification of xenobiotics genes during liver cirrhosis that developed as a result of viral hepatitis B. Methods. The study randomly included 38 patients with liver cirrhosis at the age of 25 to 54 years. The control group consisted of 147 healthy individuals. Conducted was an analysis of mutations in the deletion polymorphism of gene CYP1A1, leading to the replacement of the amino acid isoleucine with valine (Ile462Val) in position 462 of the cytochrome P-450 CYP1A1 and polymorphism of the gene GSTM1, which codes an enzyme antioxidant enzyme from the family of glutathione-S-transferase in patients with liver cirrhosis, which developed as a result of hepatitis B with the aim to identify possible associations with an increased risk and severity of the disease. Results. Revealed was a statistically significant increase in the proportion of patients with genotype Ile-Val/(+) compared to genotype Ile-Ile/(+), established was an association between the genotype S65C/N with polymorphism S65C of the gene HFE and liver cirrhosis of combined genesis (viral B + toxic). Conclusion. Ile462Val genotype of the CYP1A1 gene of the cytochrome P450, as well as the presence of a deletion of the glutathione-S-transferase M1 gene are risk factors for the development of liver cirrhosis secondary to hepatitis B.

About the authors

G T Gusmanova

Bashkir State Medical University, Ufa, Russia


D Kh Kalimullina

Bashkir State Medical University, Ufa, Russia

A B Bakirov

Bashkir State Medical University, Ufa, Russia

R I Khusainova

Institute of Biochemistry and Genetics, Ufa Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ufa, Russia


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© 2012 Gusmanova G.T., Kalimullina D.K., Bakirov A.B., Khusainova R.I.

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