Sensitivity and specificity of the treatment methods included in the standards of health resort treatment

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Aim. To estimate the sensitivity and specificity of the treatment methods of health resort treatment according to standards of the Russian Federation.

Methods. A fourfold table was created using the data of standards and sensitivity, specificity and predictive value parameters of health resort treatments were determined. 10 groups of diseases: arterial hypertension, ischemic heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, autonomic disorders, polyneuropathy, radiculopathy and plexopathy, urolithiasis, glomerular disease, liver diseases, gallbladder diseases, diseases of biliary tract and pancreas, diabetes mellitus, joint diseases. Comparison of therapeutic effects of recommended methods for the diseases was performed. The comparison was performed by the fourfold table scheme.

Results. Treatment methods were allocated to the following groups: (1) methods used in all patients irrespective of the main disease; (2) methods used at the majority groups of diseases with different frequency; (3) methods which were selectively administered in certain groups of diseases. It was shown that the existing treatment methods in a set of standards differ by sensitivity, specificity and predictive value, which is associated with insufficient differentiation of indications for their use.

Conclusion. While providing the health resort treatment, a choice of treatment methods by a doctor in charge considering the main and concomitant conditions plays the major role.

About the authors

A R Agasiyev

Azerbaijan State Advanced Training Institute for Doctors named after Academician Aziz Aliyev, Baku, Azerbaijan

Author for correspondence.


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