The role of interfering RNA in immune response proliferative processes regulation in experimental model of endometrial cancer associated with thyroid disease

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Aim. To assess the proliferation and dendritic cells markers expression degree at short interference RNA (siRNA) transfection in endometrial cancer associated with experimental thyroid disease. Methods. Experiments were performed on female rats distributed to five groups: I - control group; IIA and IIIА - animals with simulated hypo-and hyperthyroidism and transplanted Guérin’s carcinoma, IIВ and IIIB - animals with simulated hypo- and hyperthyroidism and transplanted Guérin’s carcinoma in combination with siRNA transfection. Orthogonal tumor dimensions were measured starting from the 7-th day after tumor suspension inoculation. Proliferation and dendritic cells markers expression were assessed in tumor samples by immunohistochemistry after the exclusion of animals from the experiment. Results. siRNA inhibitory effect was more marked in animals with hypothyroidism, indicating an important role of thyroid hormones in regulating cell cycle controlling genes expression. Transfection of siRNA increased mature dendritic cells (CD83) expression in tumor tissue in animals with hypothyroidism and increased immature dendritic cells (CD1a) expression in tumor tissue in animals with hyperthyroidism. Conclusion. siRNA transfection inhibits the tumor cells proliferation mainly at hypothyroidism compared to hyperthyroidism.

About the authors

V M Zaporozhan

Odessa National Medical University, Odessa, Ukraine

G S Maryniuk

Odessa National Medical University, Odessa, Ukraine

O L Kholodkova

Odessa National Medical University, Odessa, Ukraine


D U Andronov

Odessa National Medical University, Odessa, Ukraine


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© 2013 Zaporozhan V.M., Maryniuk G.S., Kholodkova O.L., Andronov D.U.

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