Association of hypertension and abdominal obesity with some features of gynecologic history

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Aim. To study the association of some gynecologic history data in hypertensive women with abdominal obesity. Methods. A cohort of 315 women aged 21-59 years, including 53 healthy volunteers with normal blood pressure, 63 female patients with prehypertension and 197 hypertensive women, was examined. The mean age of hypertensive women was 47.0±7.0 years. Patients with symptomatic hypertension were excluded from the study. The patients were questioned about gynecologic history data (the number of pregnancies, abortions, miscarriages, history of gestational hypertension) and anthropometry. Patients were divided to 2 groups according to presence (137 female patients, mean age 47.8±6.3 years) or absence (178 female patients, mean age 44.4±7.3 years) of abdominal obesity. Results. There was a significantly higher number of women who had had pregnancies (97.3 versus 83.0%), deliveries (94.7 versus 76.5%), including two and more deliveries (69.9 versus 38.2%), and two and more abortions (64.6 versus 34.0%) among hypertensive women with abdominal obesity compared to non-obese women with normal blood pressure; higher mean rates of pregnancies, deliveries and abortions, more frequent history of gestational hypertension (51.3 versus 14.9%) were revealed as well. Conclusion. The combination of abdominal obesity and hypertension in women aged 21-59 years is associated with higher number of previous pregnancies, abortions, miscarriages and pregnancies, abortions, miscarriages, and history of gestational hypertension.

About the authors

A R Sadykova

Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia

A R Shamkina

Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia


R I Gizyatoullova

Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia


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© 2013 Sadykova A.R., Shamkina A.R., Gizyatoullova R.I.

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