The results of a subjective assessment of the organization of inpatient care for newborn parents and neonatologists

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Aim. To study the opinion of mothers of newborns and neonatologists about the organization of inpatient care for newborns in St. Petersburg.

Methods. An anonymous survey of 2123 mothers of newborns and 172 neonatologists of St. Petersburg was conducted. The representativeness of the sample was checked by using the method of Professor A.M. Merkov, with the errors do not exceed 4 and 3%, respectively. Mathematical processing and data analysis were carried out by using the statistical software package PASW STATISTICS.

Results. 28.9% of mothers were partially or completely unsatisfied with the organization of inpatient care for newborns, in most cases due to the unfriendly and inattentive attitude by the medical staff (22.4%), the unsatisfactory provision by child care products (12.8%) and poor material and technical equipment of a medical organization (12.5%). On average, the human qualities of neonatologists were rated quite high by mothers at 4.63±0.09 (out of 5) points, and in mid-level practitioners were significantly lower — 3.91±0.08 points (p <0.05). In general, ­staying a newborn in a medical organization required financial costs for 37.3% of women, and 13.9% of respondents who received help through compulsory medical insurance paid for individual laboratory and other tests on their own. Mothers rated the organization of inpatient care for newborns on average 4.01±0.09 points. Compared to ­mothers, neonatologists rated it higher in the medical organization they work for and lower overall in St. Petersburg (M=4.11±0.10 points and M=3.78±0.12 points; p <0.05). According to the doctors, the main disadvantages of organizing inpatient care for newborns are poor material and technical equipment and problems associated with the staffing and qualifications of medical personnel.

Conclusion. There is a need to improve the process of providing inpatient care to newborns.

About the authors

K E Moiseeva

Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

Author for correspondence.
SPIN-code: 9105-6669
Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Russia

E N Berezkina

Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Russia

V V Kirilenko

Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

SPIN-code: 4718-9184
Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Russia


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© 2020 Moiseeva K.E., Berezkina E.N., Kirilenko V.V.

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