Influence of dynamic and static physical activity features on respiratory system of junior schoolgirls

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Aim. To study the influence of different types of physical exercise on components of gases convective transport in junior schoolgirls. Methods. Twenty two 9 year old schoolgirls were included. The functional condition of respiratory system was estimated based on pulmonary function tests and respiratory volumes. Isometric physical exercise test was performed by the left hand compression of a dynamometer with the effort equal of 50% from maximum possible effort within 1 minute. Dynamic physical load was dosed as 1,0 W per 1 kg of body weight while pedalling a stationary exercise bicycle ergometer. Statistical difference between groups was determined using Student’s t-statistics. Results. Influence of dynamic and static physical exercise on respiratory function tests in 9 year old schoolgirls was studied at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the school year. The comparative analysis of respiratory function tests in 9 year old schoolgirls at the beginning of academic year showed that isometric physical exercise caused the breath rate increase, and dynamic physical exercise led to decrease of this parameter. At the same time both types of physical exercise caused decrease in expiratory time to total breath cycle time ratio. In the middle of the academic year isometric physical exercise caused the breath rate decrease and maximum voluntary ventilation increase. As a whole, both in the middle and at the end of the academic year the respiratory system of 9 year old schoolgirls reacted adequately in reply to different types of physical exercise to optimize the performance. Conclusion. The most unfavorable reaction of respiratory system in 9 year old schoolgirls in reply to static and dynamic physical exercise at the beginning of the academic year was registered as a decrease of expiratory time to total breath cycle time ratio. The optimal reaction of respiratory system in 9 year old schoolgirls in reply to dynamic physical exercise was registered both in the middle and at the end of the school year, to static physical exercise - at the end of the school year.

About the authors

M M Zayneev

Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University

N I Ziyatdinova

Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University

O P Martiyanov

Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University

T L Zefirov

Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University



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© 2012 Zayneev M.M., Ziyatdinova N.I., Martiyanov O.P., Zefirov T.L.

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