Effects of alcohol on pregnancy and the fetus. the role of preventive measures in daily practice of an obstetrician

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Alcohol consumption during pregnancy can cause serious birth defects and developmental disorders. The article reviews scientific literature describing modern conceptions of alcohol-associated teratogenicity. Problems of public awareness of alcohol negative impact on pregnancy and the fetus (particularly by informing women of reproductive age and pregnant women) are raised. Literature review revealed that there is a lack of information on fetal disorders associated with alcohol consumption by the mother. Nowadays, alcohol consumption in Russia is one of the highest in the world (15.8 liters per capita per year, including newborns, 2011), which is significantly higher than the absolute level of alcohol consumption associated with serious health risk for an individual and for the population as a whole. Awareness among women of reproductive age and pregnant women is very low. Therefore, it is necessary to inform and teach physicians screening methods of medical problems associated with alcohol intake and brief intervention strategies that will help to identify and inform women at risk for having children with fetal alcohol syndrome and fetal alcohol spectrum disorders and prevent the birth of mentally retarded children. The problem of fetal alcohol syndrome and the whole spectrum of fetal alcohol disorders is of great theoretical and practical significance in Russia.

About the authors

A Yu Marianian

Irkutsk State Medical University, Irkutsk, Russia

Email: anait_24@mail.ru


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