Current structure, organization and evaluation of effectiveness of the specialized outpatient medical care for patients with blood diseases in a metropolis

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Aim. To analyze the structure, organization and effectiveness of outpatient medical care for patients with blood diseases in St. Petersburg, Russia. Methods. 83 reports submitted by the heads of hematological offices at 2000-2012 were analyzed. The effectiveness was evaluated using routine statistical tests. The prevalence of the diseases was assessed by registration forms №7, 35, the data provided by information and analytical center of the Healthcare Committee and the City cancer registry. Medical aid provided to patients at 2010-2012 was studied, for this purpose 250 outpatient files (025/y form) were randomly picked out, the data were collected using specially designed registration cards (254 parameters). Results. Municipal, federal and departmental institutions provide hematologic outpatient medical care in St. Petersburg. The major burden of providing medical care to hematologic patients lays on interdistrict hematological offices, which actively follow-up and treat patients with hematologic cancers. Every sixth patient has complications, and 75% - comorbidities. During the period of study, the attendance rate increased by 33.4% (from 64 766 in 2000 to 86 405 in 2012), the number of the newly-diagnosed patients with hematologic cancers increased by 13.9% (p <0.05), the share of patients with hematologic cancers increased from 28.0 to 50.4%. Cumulative incidence of lymphomas increased from 69.9 to 96.0 per 100 thousand of population; leukemia - from 49.7 to 79.3. Mortality due to lymphomas decreased from 8.1% in 2001 to 5.3% in 2012, and due to leukemia - from 9.2% to 3.6%. Five-year survival rate of patients with leukemia increased from 56.6% to 63.2 % over the period of 2010-2012. Conclusion. The study shows the effectiveness of outpatient hematologic care in St. Petersburg. To further improve the efficiency of outpatient hematologic care in metropolis, it is important to improve the knowledge of hematologic diseases by doctors and pediatricians of general healthcare network, to review the workload of hematological office staff, to focus on preventive component of hematologic care (quality of occupational medical examinations), to develop and implement the new organizational techniques providing costs reduction and improving quality of life.

About the authors

L Yu Zhiguleva

Russian Scientific and Research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology, Saint Petersburg, Russia



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