Analysis of risk factors for developing complications while treating pulpitis

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Aim. To study the influence of different risk factors on complications rate while treating pulpitis. Methods. Retrospective analysis of 130 patients with pulpitis outpatient’s cards, who were treated by vital and devitalized pulp extirpation without additional rehabilitation (63 patients) and with addition of individually selected rehabilitation program (67 patients), was carried out. The presence and rate of risk factors for complications in both study groups were analyzed, the level of their impact in complications formation was assessed. The data were processed by analysis of variance. Results. The most significant risk factors for developing complications while treating pulpitis were low local dental and general recovery potential, multiple foci of dental and periodontal infection, mastication muscles malfunction, malocclusion, mental disorders. 60% of patients had the combination of 3 and more risk factors, which in half of all cases were associated with developing complications, if endodontic treatment of pulpitis was not associated with individually selected rehabilitation. Rehabilitation included physiotherapy (if indicated), e.g. low-frequency alternating magnetic field, intra-channel iodine electrophoresis, individually selected homeopathic drugs, Bach flower essences and kinesiotherapy in addition to full mouth debridement. Conclusion. The impact of a range of risk factors, which can be revealed in conditions of common outpatient dental practice, on pulpitis treatment effectiveness was revealed. The addition of individually selected rehabilitation program, targeted on revealed risk factors elimination, to traditional pulpitis treatment decreases the complications rate.

About the authors

T V Aksenova

Kuban State Medical University, Krasnodar, Russia


A N Bondarenko

Kuban Medical Institute, Krasnodar, Russia


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