Clinical and functional rationale for the use of intraosseous composite materials-covered screw retainers for mandibular fracture osteosynthesis

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Aim. To increase the effectiveness of mandibular fracture osteosynthesis by using the composite materials-covered intraosseous screw retainers with active combined cutting edge. Methods. 282 patients with mandibular fractures were examined and operated in the clinic of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Dentistry of Samara State Medical University from 2011 to 2013. Surgeries were performed in 257 (91.1%) patients, including plate osteosynthesis - in 133 (47.2%), intraosseous composite materials-coated screw retainers - in 42 (14.9%), uncoated pins - in 65 (23.0%), bone sutures - in 17 (6.0%). Orthopedic and other methods of bone fragments fixation were used in 25 (8.9%) patients. Proposed composite materials-coated osteosynthesis retainer is a square pin with cutting angle of 60-80° and 4 longitudinal grooves of 5-10 mm. The main part is a two-tier helical ribbon with alternating cutting portions, wherein some areas have the same diameter as the main part of the retainer, and the others are 20-100 microns thinner and are covered with TiC0, 65+25% Ca10(PO4)OH2. RESULTS. A comparative analysis with the traditionally used methods was carried out. The main advantages of the proposed method are rigid fixation of mandibular bone fragments and optimal osteogenesis in complex treatment of patients with trauma. Conclusion. The use of the proposed method of mandibular fractures surgical treatment using intraosseous screw retainers with bioactive coating reduced the risk of complications and the length of hospital stay.

About the authors

S A Safarov

Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia


A E Shcherbovskih

Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia

Yu V Petrov

Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia

I M Bayrikov

Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia


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© 2014 Safarov S.A., Shcherbovskih A.E., Petrov Y.V., Bayrikov I.M.

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