Management of intraperitoneal hemorrhage bleeding as a complication of a gynecologic disease

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Aim. To evaluate the effectiveness of intra- and post-surgical resuscitation targeted at blood loss replacement in patients with moderate, severe and profuse intraperitoneal hemorrhage caused by ectopic pregnancy and ovarian apoplexy. Methods. Heart rate variability and cardiac intervals assessment were used as additional criteria for patient monitoring. 97 female patients with intraperitoneal hemorrhage of 500-1500 ml underwent endoscopic surgery. Autologous blood transfusion, as well as packed blood products and blood substitutes were used for blood loss replacement. Heart rate variability assessment and analysis of cardiac intervals indicate that pathogenesis of adaptation and blood loss compensation in female patients with intraperitoneal hemorrhage exceeding 500 ml depends on blood loss volume and methods of blood loss replacement. Results. Parameters of adaptation and blood loss compensatory mechanisms in patients with moderate and severe blood loss, who underwent intrasurgical autologous blood transfusion, were close to normal values at days 7 and 14 after treatment. Patients with severe and profuse intraperitoneal hemorrhage treated with packed blood products had the longest red blood count and heart rate variability recovery period. Conclusion. Heart rate variability assessment allowed effectively estimating the treatment effect in female patients with intraperitoneal hemorrhage as a complication of a gynecologic disease exceeding 500 ml.

About the authors

O Ya Nazarenko

Odessa National Medical University, Odessa, Ukraine; Military Medical Clinical Centre of Southern Region, Odessa, Ukraine

S V Timofeyeva

Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Medicine of Transport, Odessa, Ukraine



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© 2014 Nazarenko O.Y., Timofeyeva S.V.

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