Studies of neurotrophism morphological basis - developing traditions of Kazan medical school

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Ending second century of higher medical education in Kazan is characterized by a significant impact of its alumni to studies of nervism. The student of K.A. Arnshtein N. Lavdovsky, professors A.E. Smirnov and A.S. Dogel, students of A.N. Mislavsky B.I. Lavrentyev and N.G. Kolosov, their colleagues Yu.M. Lazovsky, A.Ya. Khabarova and V.N. Shvalev expanded knowledge on heart innervation. We summed up the results of decades-long analysis of changes of autonomous nervous system, reviewed the innervation of the cardiovascular system during the ontogenesis, level of NO-synthase in heart ganglions in health and disease, as well as functional data. The basis of our studies was set on the department of histology of Kazan State Medical University, headed by A.N. Mislavsky. Increasing with age loss of sympathetic innervation of cardiovascular system, which is compensated by humor factors according to Cannon-Rosenblueth rule, was discovered in quantitative neurohystochemical studies. Loosing sympathetic innervation, allowing to immediately mobilize their activity and activating neurotrophic factors, myocardial fibers produce more and more adrenoreceptors, reacting on catecholamines brought with the bloodstream. We were able to reveal intimate relation with central and peripheral nervous system damage while studying patients with cardiomyopathies. Firstly, antibodies to the components of the nervous system were found by immunocytochemistry in blood serum drawn from patients with various forms of cardiomyopathies. Secondly, our own quantitative neurohystochemical studies revealed that myocardial damage is associated with the deep lesions of its sympathetic nerve plexus, and there is de-afference (receptor degenerative damage) together with sympathetic denervation. The studying of the basis of the neurotrophism performed by Kazan neurohistologists and physiologists are deepened: conceptions of neurotrophic control are developed, the role of the neuroregulins - cytokines, produced in neurons - is studied, stimulating of neuroregulation using genic neurotrophic factors is used, direct cell gene therapy in patients with spinal injury is applied, molecular aspects of nerve regeneration stimulation are examined.

About the authors

V N Shvalev

Russian Cardiologic Scientific and Industrial Complex, Moscow, Russia


A N Rogoza

Russian Cardiologic Scientific and Industrial Complex, Moscow, Russia

V P Reutov

Russian Cardiologic Scientific and Industrial Complex, Moscow, Russia

A A Sosunov

Russian Cardiologic Scientific and Industrial Complex, Moscow, Russia

V P Kovalev

Russian Cardiologic Scientific and Industrial Complex, Moscow, Russia

T R Batyrshyn

Kazan State Medical Academy, Kazan, Russia


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© 2014 Shvalev V.N., Rogoza A.N., Reutov V.P., Sosunov A.A., Kovalev V.P., Batyrshyn T.R.

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