Ideas of V.Z. Golubev - freelance university lecturer of the Kazan Emperor’s university - in modern studies of renal microcirculation

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In 1894 V.Z. Golubev, freelance university lecturer of the Kazan Emperor’s University, presented his thesis «Of the renal blood vessels in mammals and humans». In this work, V.Z. Golubev described the structure of two capillary networks of the renal cortex: glomerular and peritubular. He has identified true straight arterioles, false straight arterioles and direct venules of pyramids as parts of the renal medulla direct vessels. V.Z. Golubev described glomerular capillaries, located along the arcuate arteries of the kidney in the boundary layer and assigned these to the perivascular circulation, as well as noted the important role of the true direct arteriolar blood circulation to the kidneys. According to scientific researches of the second half of the XX century, the structure of the renal circulatory system is subordinated to differentiated renal blood flow in the cortex and medulla, and this is achieved by cortical and juxtamedullary blood flow. Significant increase and the duration of juxtaglomerular bypass cause severe circulatory disorders of the surface layers of kidney cortex and acute renal failure. Modern data on renal blood circulation prepared by researches of V.Z. Golubev, explain the development mechanism of various pathological conditions: acute blood loss, hydronephrosis, vasorenal hypertension, glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, cardiogenic shock, cardiorenal syndrome in uncontrolled coronary heart disease, arterial hypertension, sudden cardiac death etc. V.Z. Golubev created a scientific basis for further studies of renal microcirculation. The principles, outlined in his thesis, anticipated later researches of renal juxtamedullary circulation and renal circulation in healthy people and in case of a disease. The thesis of V.Z. Golubev, published 120 years ago, is still of present interest and highlights the problems requiring further research.

About the authors

O A Kaplunova

Rostov State Medical University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia



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