The stages of the glorious path: to the 200th anniversary of Kazan state medical university

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Aim. To describe the main stages of formation and development of one of the leading scientific and educative medical centers in Russia - Kazan State Medical University. Methods. Comparative historical analysis was applied. Results. The article depicts the main stages of university formation, main scientific interests and outstanding discoveries of the scientists representing Kazan medical school. The main attention is devoted to formation of the clinical education. The specific factors influencing the development of medical faculty of Kazan Emperor’s University and putting in new facilities, including anatomy theatre, laboratories of physiology, university hospital, the participation of medical scientists in foundation and development of leading spheres of public health and hygiene are showed. In this context, the impact of outstanding medical scientists of the second half of the XIX century representing Kazan medical school in development of basic medical sciences is described. The specific development of higher medical education in Kazan during social disasters associated with revolution of the beginning of XX century is characterized. The role of Kazan State Medical Institute in medical training and science development during the Second World War and post-war period is presented. The development of Kazan State Medical Institute (University) during second half of the XX century is described. Conclusion. The modern state of education and researches at Kazan State Medical University as the result of long-term efforts of consolidated team developing 200-year old educational and scientific traditions is described.

About the authors

A S Sozinov

Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia

A Yu Ivanov

Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia

R G Ivanova

Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia



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© 2014 Sozinov A.S., Ivanov A.Y., Ivanova R.G.

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