The effect of sorbents on the serum levels of copper, iron and their transporting proteins at alcohol intoxication

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Aim. Evaluate the effect of sorbents on erythrocyte membrane permeability and serum levels of copper, iron and their transporting proteins at acute ethanol intoxication.

Methods. The study was performed on 94 rats. Acute alcohol intoxication was simulated on intact animals and in animals with prior artificial alcohol abuse. Acute ethanol intoxication was caused by intragastric administration of 40% ethanol at a dose of 0.5 of median lethal dose. Polysorb, Litovit, and Sapropel sorbents were administered at a dose of 3000 mg/kg 30 minutes after ethanol administration. permeability of erythrocyte membrane, serum levels of copper, iron, ceruloplasmin and transferrin were measured by spectrophotometry.

Results. Levels of copper and iron in rat serum and erythrocyte membrane permeability significantly dropped compared to the control level at acute ethanol intoxication, ceruloplasmin level raised by 1.5 times, transferrin level did not change significantly. At acute ethanol intoxication in animals with prior artificial alcohol abuse, copper and iron levels and erythrocyte membrane permeability remained low, ceruloplasmin level remained high, transferrin level was decreased for 2 times. All sorbents were able to compensate the serum levels of copper, iron and ceruloplasmin in animals with prior artificial alcohol abuse, and Litovit and Polysorb also influenced on transferrin level.

Conclusion. Compensatory effect of Polysorb, Litovit, and Sapropel on the serum levels of ceruloplasmin, copper, iron and transferrin and on erythrocyte membrane permeability was discovered at acute ethanol intoxication in animals with prior artificial alcohol abuse.

About the authors

N A Terekhina

Perm State Medical University named after E.A. Wagner, Perm, Russia

Author for correspondence.

E V Zhidko

Perm State Medical University named after E.A. Wagner, Perm, Russia


G A Terekhin

Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy, Perm, Russia


A G Orbidans

Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy, Perm, Russia



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© 2015 Terekhina N.A., Zhidko E.V., Terekhin G.A., Orbidans A.G.

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