Influence of neurotransmitters on lipid peroxidation during immobilization stress exposure in rats of different ages

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Aim. To identify age-specific changes of «peroxidation and antioxidant activity» system in rats during immobilization stress exposure and after correction with neurotransmitters.

Methods. The study was conducted on 410 male Wistar rats of mature and old age. Rats was immobilized in plastic canisters for 12 hours. Neurotransmitters - acetylcholine chloride, epinephrine (adrenaline hydrochloride), L-tryptophan, nicotinic acid solutions - were injected subcutaneously. After decapitation lipid peroxidation, antioxidant activity, routine biochemical and hematological parameters were studied in sacrified rats using standardized methods.

Results. Immobilization stress induced phase changes of lipid peroxidation and antioxidant activity in the blood of rats, which corresponds to the stages of stress reaction. Increasing age leads to earlier activation of lipid peroxidation which was observed in old rats. Weakening of the parasympathetic nervous system influence and enhantion of the sympathetic nervous system action was observed with age in the blood of rats, which can lead to age-related changes in the intensity of lipid peroxidation when exposed to stress. In mature and old rats exposed to stress L-tryptophan and nicotinic acid induced antioxidant, in old rats - hypolipidemic geroprophylactic effect.

Conclusion. Immobilization stress exposure causes adverse hyperlipidemic changes in peripheral blood of old age rats. However under the impact of L-tryptophan and nicotinic acid combination normalization of lipid and lipoprotein content of blood occurs showing geroprophylactic hypolipidemic qualities of non-antioxidant genesis.

About the authors

V N Meschaninov

Ural State Medical University, Ekaterinburg, Russia; Center for Specialized Types of Medical Care «Institute of Medical Cell Technologies», Ekaterinburg, Russia

Author for correspondence.

D L Scherbakov

Ural State Medical University, Ekaterinburg, Russia; Center for Specialized Types of Medical Care «Institute of Medical Cell Technologies», Ekaterinburg, Russia



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