Peculiarities of HIV-positive patients coinfection with hepatitis C virus

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The review of publications on human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) «satellite» infections - hepatitis B and C was made. 1329 articles published in the last 10 years concerning the problem of HIV and hepatitis B and C co-infection were found in PubMed database. The problem of viral hepatitis in HIV-infected patients remains extremely relevant nowadays. Results of numerous European studies indicate that chronic hepatitis C is ranked fifth in the list of death causes of HIV-infected patients. Most researchers agree on a more severe course of chronic hepatitis C in HIV-infected patients. Viral hepatitis is found in 7 out of 10 HIV-infected patients. The problem of antiretroviral drugs hepatotoxicity is still not resolved. Hepatitis C viral load is generally higher in HIV-infected patients than that of HIV-negative, and the probability of progression to cirrhosis, liver failure and hepatocellular carcinoma in HIV-infected patients is 3 times higher. So the problem of HIV and viral hepatitis co-infection requires a better understanding of co-infection treatment features, the definition of clear criteria for effectiveness and safety of therapy of HIV-infected patients co-infected with viral hepatitis B and C.

About the authors

D V Pavlov

Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia


D Kh Shakirova

Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia

N I Galiullin

Republican Center for Prevention and Control of AIDS and Infectious Diseases, Kazan, Russia

F I Nagimova

Republican Center for Prevention and Control of AIDS and Infectious Diseases, Kazan, Russia


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© 2014 Pavlov D.V., Shakirova D.K., Galiullin N.I., Nagimova F.I.

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