Clinical and metabolic status index as an indicator of complex treatment efficiency in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

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Aim. To study the performance of clinical and metabolic status index for estimating the results of treatment in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus by monitoring their condition. Methods. Treatment results of 70 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (28 females, 42 males) were analyzed. Body height and weight, body mass index, systolic and diastolic pressure (while seated) were measured in all patients. Mean arterial pressure was calculated using systolic and diastolic pressures. Clinical and metabolic status index (CMSI) was defined as following: CMSI=а1х1+а2х2+а3х3+а4х4, where x1 - body mass index; x2 - blood glycated hemoglobin level; x3 - mean arterial pressure; x4 - MM-atherogenic index of plasma; a1-a4 - discriminant factors. Results. Baseline value of clinical and metabolic status index in female patients ranged between 45.8 to 70.2 (mean value 53.8±5.69), at the end of the study it ranged from 41.3 to 56.3 (mean value 47.8±3.86, р <0.001). In male patients, baseline value of clinical and metabolic status index ranged from 58.1 to 82.2 (mean value 68.8±6.08), endpoint value - from 54.0 to 66.8 (mean value 47.8±3.86, р <0.001). Conclusion. Developed clinical and metabolic status index allows to make comprehensive estimation and monitoring of the course of type 2 diabetes mellitus.

About the authors

T T Alieva

Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku, Azerbaijan



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© 2014 Alieva T.T.

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