Cardiovascular events and mortality in the long term in young patients with acute disorders of ­cerebral circulation

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This review presents the results of various studies on the problem of cardiovascular events and the risk of their development as well as long-term mortality in young patients with cerebrovascular accidents or strokes. In recent decades, there has been a tendency to rejuvenation of cerebrovascular diseases often leading to fatal outcomes. At present, the question of the course of stroke in the acute stage of the disease is most studied. Meanwhile, the study of late, including long-term (5 years or more) results of the stroke is important for planning the organization of medical care using the principles of evidence-based medicine. The long-term prognosis for young patients who underwent strokes is of particular interest from a medical and social point of view due to the increase of life expectancy and basic responsibilities at a difficult stage of life. According to a meta-analysis carried out on the results of prospective studies, it was found that the prognosis of a “young” stroke is not as favorable as it was previously thought with respect to the development of cardiovascular diseases or psychosocial consequences as well as mortality. It was shown that the risk of death among young patients aged 18 to 49 years who survived a 30-day primary stroke, compared to the risk of death in the general population, remained increased even after 15 years. However, this issue remains still insufficiently studied. Further research is needed in this area.

About the authors

A R Shamkina

Kazan State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Kazan, Russia

Sh Sh Galeeva

Kazan State Medical University

Russian Federation, Kazan, Russia


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