The development of the blood clotting initiation conceptions: from A.A. Schmidt to D.M Zubairov

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The objective of the review is to cover the formation of modern understanding of molecular mechanisms of blood coagulation initiation. It was provided mainly by the research of Professor D.M. Zubairov and his colleagues. Since 1963, he has established that blood coagulation initiation is not connected to the phenomenon of vascular wall moistening and contact complex factors activation. Research of the thromboplastic activity distribution in tissue cells, blood and in the serum phospholipid microparticles allowed to conclude that blood coagulation is initiated by long-term expression of tissue factor and rapid massive alterations in cellular membranes. This was confirmed by the detection of the turned phospholipids mesophases in tissue thromboplastin preparations and heterogeneity of vitamin К-depending factors binding. Based on the results of the research, a functional conception of blood coagulation initiation by phase alteration of bilayer structure of cellular membranes to a mesomorphic structure was developed. It is caused by different agonists through receptor dependant Са 2+-mobilizing cell signal systems or by massive migration of calcium ions into the cell at its damage. An initial bioimitating non-enzymatic proteolysis vitamin of К-dependant factors and their massive enzymatic activating in the ensembles of enzymatic complexes takes place on heterophase phospholipids surface. Clotting is limited by blood and tissue macrophages, removing cells and phospholipids particles with heterophase surface from cell circulation, and also by anticoagulant factors action. Based on this conception, the researches revealed the pathogenetic of role thrombogenic micro vesicles originating form the cellular membranes transformation in the development of disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome, myocardial infarction, leucosis, autoimmune and infectious diseases. Finding out the basic concepts of blood coagulation initiation mechanism puts D.M. Zubairov in one row with scientists, pawning the bases of modern biology and medicine.

About the authors

V N Timerbaev

Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia

S V Kiselev

Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia



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© 2013 Timerbaev V.N., Kiselev S.V.

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