Hormonal imbalance in prenatally alcoholized rat offspring

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Aim. To identify the role of hormonal imbalance in the development of hypoglycemia in rats exposed to prenatal alcohol intoxication. Methods. Effects of prenatal alcohol intoxication on carbohydrate metabolism regulation in rat youngs aged 15, 30 and 60 days were studied. For this purpose, intragastral injections of 40% ethanol (4 g/kg) were performed in female white random rats during the gestation period. Glucose, insulin, glucagon, cortisol, thyroid hormones serum concentrations were determined. Results. In offspring of rats exposed to alcohol during the prenatal period, increased blood insulin concentration at the age of 30, 60 days, reduced glucagon concentration at the age of 60 days were found. These changes were accompanied by persistent hypoglycemia. Plasma cortisol concentration in rats exposed to alcohol during the prenatal period had no any statistically significant differences compared to a control group. Statistically significant reduction of triiodothyronine in the age of 60 days accompanied by an increased blood thyroxin level was also observed. Conclusion. The gained results suggest the essential influence of prenatal alcohol intoxication on carbohydrate metabolism regulation in the remote terms of postnatal period. Prenatal alcohol exposure leads to the development of differently directed changes in offspring blood insulin, glucagon and thyroid hormones remaining in remote periods of postnatal ontogenesis, that may play a significant role in the development of hypoglycemia, and define the high level of the still birth and early postnatal mortality.

About the authors

N L Samuseva

Omsk State Medical Academy, Omsk, Russia

Email: nlsam@mail.ru

N M Kurch

Omsk State Medical Academy, Omsk, Russia

V E Vysokogorskiy

Omsk State Medical Academy, Omsk, Russia


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© 2013 Samuseva N.L., Kurch N.M., Vysokogorskiy V.E.

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