Biochemical markers of industrial pollutants action on the rubber industry workers

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Aim. To assess the health status of employees contacting with industrial pollutants by examining the processes of free-radical and microsomal oxidation, antioxidant protection, energy metabolism and electrolyte metabolism. Methods. Biochemical parameters of blood, saliva and urine samples of 115 employees of OJSC «Ufa plant of elastomer materials, articles and structures» and 110 employees of JSC «Kauchuk» from the various workshops were examined. Considering the particularities of industrial factors, their action on the employees’ health, ways of absorption at airways, oral cavity and hand skin, two groups (A and B) were formed. Group A included employees contacting with aromatic hydrocarbons (JSC «Kauchuk»). Group B included employees contacting with chlorinated hydrocarbons (OJSC «Ufa plant of elastomer materials, articles and structures»). Control group included administrative clerk workers without influence of industrial factors. Results. Free radical peroxidation reaction with the registration of body fluids chemiluminescence was the most informative biochemical marker of (1,2-dichloroethane, methylene chloride, trichlorethylene, carbon tetrachloride) and aromatic (benzene, 1,2,4,5-tetramethyl benzene, toluene), hydrocarbons action on employees. Сonclusion. Examination of free radical and microsomal peroxidation, antioxidant system, energy metabolism and electrolyte metabolism is a useful prognostic tool for a quantitative assessment of the oxidative processes activity for identification of high-risk groups at picking up the staff for the work related to chemical exposure as well as for the individual prevention and oxidative processes medical correction planning.

About the authors

E F Galiullina

Bashkir State Medical University, Ufa, Russia


R F Kamilov

Bashkir State Medical University, Ufa, Russia

D F Shakirov

Bashkir State Medical University, Ufa, Russia

R T Bulyakov

Bashkir State Medical University, Ufa, Russia


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© 2013 Galiullina E.F., Kamilov R.F., Shakirov D.F., Bulyakov R.T.

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