Polypropylene endoprostheses in the surgical treatment of strangulated postoperative ventral hernias

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Aim. To determine and implement the best ways to position mesh endoprostheses in the anterior abdominal wall during strangulated postoperative ventral hernias; to introduce methods of non-stretch hernioplasty into emergency surgery of giant hernias. Methods. 115 patients (27 males and 88 females) with strangulated postoperative ventral hernias aged 30-73 years were under observation. Depending on the size of the hernia and on the intraoperative findings different methods of implantation of the mesh endoprostheses were used, which prevented the mesh contact with subcutaneous fat and abdominal organs. For small and medium-sized hernias the mesh was placed under or over the abdominal membrane, it was fixed to the abdominal wall, the aponeurosis was sewn together in an «edge to edge» fashion. In cases with giant hernias non-stretch hernioplasty was performed. During the operation of non-stretch hernioplasty, dissection and excision of the hernial sac was performed in such a way that made it possible to use it to cover the abdominal wall defect. Results. In the early postoperative period in 17 (14.8%) patients seromas had formed in the wound, which were treated by needle puncture under ultrasound guidance. Postoperative mortality was 5.2% (6 people). In 5 cases the deaths were due to myocardial infarction and pulmonary embolism. One patient developed peritonitis due to suture insufficiency of the enteric anastomosis. Of all patients with lethal outcomes five patients were admitted after more than 6 hours from the start of the strangulation, one patient was admitted after 3 hours. Conclusion. The usage of techniques that delimit the mesh prosthesis from the abdominal cavity and subcutaneous tissue, and the introduction of non-stretch methods for giant hernias in the surgical treatment of strangulated postoperative ventral hernia contribute to improved outcomes of treatment in this group of patients.

About the authors

I M Fatkhutdinov

Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia

Email: ilsur1801@mail.ru


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© 2012 Fatkhutdinov I.M.

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