The study of the prevalence of articular syndrome and pathology of the musculoskeletal system through a telephone questionnaire survey

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Aim. To establish the prevalence of complaints of joint swelling and arthralgia among the population of Smolensk city, to assess their correlation with the presence of rheumatic diseases. Methods. A cross-sectional telephone questionnaire survey of residents of six therapeutic districts of two municipal polyclinics of Smolensk city was conducted. Interviewed were 2737 people (64.8% females and 35.2% males). The average age of respondents was 49.1±17.6 years. Results. Swelling of the joints at the time of the survey was revealed in 665 (24.3%) of respondents, in the majority of which (583 people, 21.3%) the symptoms persisted for more than the last 12 months. Pain in the knee joints was observed in 1141 (41.7%) residents, including arthralgia lasting more than a year - in 1012 (37.0%) people. The relationship between both of the symptoms and the gender (the predominance of women) and age (an increasing linear nature of the frequency of complaints in males and non-linear with a peak in the group of 70-80-year-olds - in females) was revealed. It was established that only 41.3% of respondents with joints swelling and 30.9% with arthralgia had a previously established diagnosis of rheumatic disease. Conclusion. The study results suggest that there is high prevalence of rheumatic complaints among residents of Smolensk city with a predominance of articular disease in women and individuals of older age groups; revealed was the fact of low awareness of the population of the existing rheumatic disease.

About the authors

D G Krechikova

Smolensk Regional Rheumatology Centre, Smolensk, Russia


Sh F Erdes

Institute of Rheumatology, Moscow, Russia

V A Milyagin

Smolensk State Medical Academy, Smolensk, Russia


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© 2012 Krechikova D.G., Erdes S.F., Milyagin V.A.

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