Integrated ultrasound investigation and magnetic resonance tomography in the diagnosis of focal thyroid pathology

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Aim. To determine the features an integrated ultrasound investigation and magnetic resonance tomography in the diagnosis of focal thyroid pathology. Methods. Integrated ultrasound examination was conducted in 1440 patients with focal lesions of the thyroid gland at the age of 17-76 years, and magnetic resonance tomography was performed in 91 patients (65 females and 26 males). Results. It was established that the informativeness of the ultrasound investigation is characterized by the following parameters: sensitivity - 92.1%, specificity - 78.6%, and diagnostic accuracy - 90.3%; the informativeness of magnetic resonance tomography: sensitivity - 94.1%, specificity - 89.6 %, and diagnostic accuracy - 91.0%. Conclusion. Integrated use of ultrasound investigation and magnetic resonance tomography significantly increases the informativeness during primary diagnosis of focal thyroid diseases.

About the authors

L A Timofeeva

Chuvash State University named after I.N. Ulyanov, Cheboksary, Russia



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