Results of combined anesthesia application with the usage of non-narcotic analgesics in the surgical oncology practice

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Aim. To evaluate the effectiveness of pre-, intra- and postoperative intravenous administration of paracetamol in combined anesthesia in patients undergoing surgical interventions in the surgical oncology practice. Methods. Examined were 35 patients aged from 43 to 75 years, operated on under combined anesthesia. During the operation and after its completion an infusion of liquid paracetamol at a dose of 3.3 mg/h was performed. Cardiac monitoring was conducted, the content of cortisol in the blood and the Bispectral Index were determined. The pain indices measured by visual analogue and digital rating scales were determined in the postoperative period. The control group included 35 patients in whom anesthesia was performed without the use of paracetamol. Results. During the infusion of paracetamol an adequate level of analgesia was achieved without development of adverse reactions on the part of the vital systems. The use of paracetamol in the early postoperative period contributed to the reduction of pain on digital rating and visual analogue scales compared to the group with basic anesthesia. Conclusion. The use of liquid paracetamol is a promising and safe method of additional analgesia.

About the authors

S Z Tanatarov

State Medical University, Semey, Kazakhstan



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© 2012 Tanatarov S.Z.

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