Assessment of health damage due to exposure to mineral wool fine dusts

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Aim. To develop the rapid method for cardiovascular diseases risk assessment among employees exposed to mineral wool fine dusts. Methods. Concentrations of particles smaller than 10 and 2.5 μm were measured in the air of mineral wools producing working area using «OMPN-10.0» dust meter. The mass fraction of heavy metals in mineral wools was calculated by atomic absorption method. Statistical analysis of 40 out-patient charts data and discharge summaries of occupational diseases department was performed. Cardiovascular risk mathematical model parameters were calculated using SPSS Statistica 17.0 software package. Results. Dust concentration in the air of working area where mineral wools are used was 8.2±1.3 mg/m3, including 1.8±0.4 mg/m3 of particles smaller than 10 μm and 1.25±0.3 mg/m3 of particles smaller than 2.5 μm. Heavy metal compounds, such as Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd, Ni, were revealed in the dust. Relation between the cardiovascular risk and duration of service in unfavorable environmental conditions and hygienic standards overage ratio was established. The risk for a disease for workers with term of service of 4 years was assessed as high, with term of service of 14 years - as extra-high. Conclusion. Results showing the dependence of cardiovascular risk on contact with mineral wool fine dust and length of service and hygienic standards overage ratio can be used as an express cardiovascular risk assessment method in employees exposed to mineral wool fine dusts with the particles size smaller than 10 and 2.5 μm.

About the authors

O I Kopytenkova

Petersburg State Transport University, Saint Petersburg, Russia

A V Levanchuk

Petersburg State Transport University, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Z Sh Tursunov

Petersburg State Transport University, Saint Petersburg, Russia



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© 2014 Kopytenkova O.I., Levanchuk A.V., Tursunov Z.S.

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