Public awareness of the arterial hypertension preventive measures

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Aim. To explore the public opinion on provided information load about arterial hypertension preventive measures. Methods. Prospective study including adult population of Baku city was performed. Modified international questionnaire SF-36 (the Azerbaijan version) was administered to the study subjects, 2584 completed questionnaires were received. Subject were distributed to 3 groups. All subjects were additionally provided questionnaires studying public need for the medical information on arterial hypertension. Of all study subjects, 374 subjects of the 1st group, 212 of the 2nd group and 632 of the 3rd group responded back. Results. Public awareness of the arterial hypertension was overall assessed as unsatisfactory. Even in subjects with controlled arterial hypertension, despite constant doctor visits and undergoing treatment, only 18.4±2.0% of questioned showed reported knowledge, and 12.6±1.7% were under-informed. Level of knowledge of the majority of questioned subject was assessed as moderate - 37.7±2.5%, and sufficient - 31.3±2.4% of subjects. Situation was even worse in subjects with uncontrolled arterial hypertension and in control group, where 30.7±3.2 and 36.9±1.9% of subjects, respectively, were under-informed, and 18.9±2.7 и 21.4±1.6% were completely not informed about arterial hypertension. Priority sources of medical information were doctors, followed by television and environment. At the same time, information got from doctors was described by the subjects as scarce, matter of common knowledge, non-specific. Meanwhile, the need for the risk factors and ways of their control was high. The main part of the questioned subjects were motivated in terms of the blood pressure, blood glucose level, body weight control, proper nutrition and physical exercise, smoking cessation and low alcohol consumption. Conclusion. Public awareness of the medical care and disease prevention, including arterial hypertension, is insufficient. Active informing targeted to public preventive behavior correction is required.

About the authors

A A Agaev

Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku



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