Experimental study of hypoglycemic effect of medicago sativa leaves extract

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Aim. To study the hypoglycemic effect of the Medicago Sativa leaves extract in intact rats and in rats with a glucose load. Methods. At the first stage, hypoglycemic effect of Medicago Sativa leaves extract was determined in intact rats. 50 mg/kg of metformin and 18 mg/kg of herbal anti-diabetic «Arfazetin» tea were used as comparator drugs. At the second stage, hypoglycemic effect of Medicago Sativa leaves extract was determined in rats with glucose load. Blood samples for glucose analysis were taken before and in 15, 30, 60 and 120 minutes after loading. Blood glucose level was determined by glucose oxidase method. Results. Medicago Sativa leaves extract showed hypoglycemic effect both in intact animals and in animals with glucose load. 25 mg/kg of Medicago Sativa leaves extract decreased blood glucose level in intact animals at 4, 6 and 8 hours by 1.04, 1.14 and 1.11 times compared to the baseline level; the effect was comparable with herbal anti-diabetic «Arfazetin» tea and was inferior to metformin. A single 25 mg/kg dose of Medicago Sativa leaves extract showed hypoglycemic effect in animals with glucose load and significantly reduced blood glucose level in 15, 30, 60 and 120 minutes compared to control. Conclusion. The findings suggest that 25 mg/kg of Medicago Sativa leaves extract can be used as a herbal medication in the complex treatment of type II diabetes mellitus for its hypoglycemic properties.

About the authors

R F Eremenko

National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Email: fuatovna@rambler.ru

L N Maloshtan

National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine

E Yu Yatsenko

National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine


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© 2014 Eremenko R.F., Maloshtan L.N., Yatsenko E.Y.

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