Serum lipid profile in differential diagnosis of salmonellosis-associated and acute alcoholic gastroenteritis

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Aim. To assess serum lipid spectrum profile as a potential tool for differential diagnosis of gastroenteritis associated with salmonellosis and acute alcoholic gastroenteritis. Methods. Serum lipid profile was examined in 50 healthy volunteers, 50 patients with acute alcoholic gastroenteritis and 50 patients with gastroenteritis associated with salmonellosis of moderate severity. Lipids were extracted by Folch method and fractionated by a modified method; the percentage of separate lipid fractions was determined by densitometry using the «Shimadzu CS-9000» scanner. General lipid level was determined by Marsh method. Total serum lipid level and their fractions: phospholipids total level, free cholesterol, free fatty acids, triglycerides and cholesterol ethers levels were measured. Results. Total serum lipid level was almost 2 times higher in patients with acute alcoholic gastroenteritis compared to patients with gastroenteritis associated with salmonellosis. Relative total level of phospholipids was significantly higher in patients with gastroenteritis associated with salmonellosis compared to patients with acute alcoholic gastroenteritis. However, difference in absolute levels of phospholipids was not significant between the patients with gastroenteritis associated with salmonellosis and patients with acute alcoholic gastroenteritis. Absolute level of free cholesterol was significantly higher in patients with acute alcoholic gastroenteritis than in patients with gastroenteritis associated with salmonellosis. Free fatty acids levels in patients with gastroenteritis associated with salmonellosis did not differ from a respective parameter in patients with acute alcoholic gastroenteritis. Relative level of cholesterol ethers in patients with gastroenteritis associated with salmonellosis was significantly lower compared to patients with acute alcoholic gastroenteritis. Absolute and relative levels of triglycerides in patients with acute alcoholic gastroenteritis were significantly higher, compared to patients with gastroenteritis associated with salmonellosis. Conclusion. Lipid profile detection can be used as an additional test for differential diagnosis of gastroenteritis associated with salmonellosis and acute alcoholic gastroenteritis.

About the authors

V K Makarov

Tver State Medical Academy, Tver, Russia


S V Starikov

Tver State Medical Academy, Tver, Russia

P V Makarov

Tver State Medical Academy, Tver, Russia


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© 2014 Makarov V.K., Starikov S.V., Makarov P.V.

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