Connective tissue features influencing the results of abdominal hernia repair

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Nowadays connective tissue disorders are considered to play a great role in abdominal hernia formation and recurrence. Benign hypermobility syndrome is associated with diffe-rent diseases of locomotive system (flat foot, scoliosis), varices of lower extremities, progressive myopia, mitral valve prolapse, tracheobronchomalacia etc. This predisposing factor favors abdominal wall debilitation, anatomical aperture’s enlargement and hernia formation. As a result, benign hypermobility syndrome hampers the post-operative scar organization even in small-sized hernias and is an important risk factor of abdominal hernia recurrence. That is why the individual choice of abdominal hernioplasty technique is justified. There is no established optimal technique of abdominal hernioplasty allowing no complications and recurrences. Thus, the understanding of morphological manifestations of tissue reaction inside the mesh endoprosthesis particularities may become of great importance to prevent abdominal hernioplasty complications. Abdominal hernioplasty technique choice is based on individual selection of endoprosthesis, depending on individual characteristics of patient’s connective tissue, abdominal hernioplasty method and endoprosthesis tendency to shrinking in late postoperative period.

About the authors

L E Slavin

Kazan State Medical Academy, Kazan, Russia; Interregional Clinical and Diagnostic Center, Kazan, Russia; District Clinical Hospital, Kazan station, Russia

A N Chugunov

Kazan State Medical Academy, Kazan, Russia; Municipal Clinical Hospital №11, Kazan, Russia

I Y Borissova

Kazan State Medical Academy, Kazan, Russia


A Z Shakirova

District Clinical Hospital, Kazan station, Russia; Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia

R R Aliullova

Kazan State Medical Academy, Kazan, Russia


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© 2013 Slavin L.E., Chugunov A.N., Borissova I.Y., Shakirova A.Z., Aliullova R.R.

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