Names of the Kazan scientists in the history of medicine of the Arkhangelsk oblast

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Article focuses on the role of Kazan scientists in the development and foundation of a number of departments of Arkhangelsk State Medical Institute, founded in 1932. The teaching staff for the most northern institution for higher medical education in the country was recruited from all over the Soviet Union. Founders and first heads of departments were the representatives of major scientific schools and leading universities, including the Kazan University/Kazan Medical Institute. Highly qualified specialists, scientists and healthcare managers with extensive experience played an important role in the development of healthcare in the European North of Russia. One of the first scientists of Kazan, who arrived at Arkhangelsk State Medical Institute, was psychiatrist I.N. Zhilin, whose activities are immortalized in the history of the department and the psychiatric hospital. Next Kazan representative, A.I. Labbok - anatomist, surgeon, doctor of sciences, professor, founder and first head of the department of operative surgery and topographic anatomy of the Institute. Surgeon A.A. Vechtomov became a professor and head of the Department of General Surgery, the head of the clinic, where during the Great Patriotic War the wounded from the Karelian Front and the Northern Fleet were treated. The founder of the Department of Pediatrics at Arkhangelsk State Medical Institute - Professor Yu.V. Makarov, came to Arkhangelsk from Kazan and his wife, G.A. Khayn-Makarova, who contributed much to military pediatrics. They were succeeded by associate professor A.G. Suvorov, who raised a galaxy of eminent pediatricians. Research of the data on many of Kazan scientists are still ongoing at the museum complex of the Northern State Medical University.

About the authors

A V Andreeva

Northern State Medical University, Arkhangelsk, Russia

Author for correspondence.

M G Chirtsova

Northern State Medical University, Arkhangelsk, Russia



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