The Role of Professor V.I. Razumovskiy and His Disciples in Pediatric Surgery Formation in Kazan

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The history of pediatric surgery development at the Medical Faculty of the Kazan Imperial University and Kazan city is full of white spots. The most important among them, in our opinion, is that published biographies of Imperial Kazan University’s and Kazan State Medical Institute’s prominent pediatricians and surgeons almost do not contain information about their role in the formation of pediatric surgery as a separate specialty. Even in detailed biography of professors Nikolay Aleksandrovich Tolmachev and Vasiliy Ivanovich Razumovskiy, we only find a description of their activities as a pediatrician and a surgeon. In view of the above, this paper provides unpublished reliable information to reflect their contribution to the development of pediatric surgery in Kazan. The initial stage of the official establishment of the pediatric surgical diseases course at the Kazan Imperial University medical faculty, followed by foundation of pediatric surgery faculty at the Kazan State Medical Institute, is described. Biography of the first pediatric surgeon of Kazan Imperial University Vladimir L. Borman is presented. While analyzing the historical facts, it’s worth noticing that many organizational and personnel matters of delivering pediatric surgery classes to the students of Kazan Imperial University Medical Faculty and Kazan State Medical Institute were mainly resolved due to the efforts of outstanding for their time Kazan Imperial University professors: pediatricians N.A. Tolmachev, P.M. Argutinskiy-Dolgorukov, surgeon V.I. Razumovsky and his disciples - V.L. Borman, V.L. Bogolyubov, I.F. Kharitonov.

About the authors

A A Akhunzyanov

Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia

Author for correspondence.


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