The results of the subjective professional activities assessment of neonatologists in a metropolis

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Aim. To assess the attitude to the professional activities of neonatologists in St. Petersburg.

Methods. A questionnaire of 179 neonatologists working in state medical organizations of St. Petersburg was conducted. The representativeness of this sample was checked using the method of Professor A.M. Merkov, with the error not exceeding 4%. Statistical processing was performed using Microsoft Office Excel software.

Results. Among neonatologists of St. Petersburg, women are prevalent (95.2%), with an average age of 44.13±0.13 years. The majority of doctors work at the neonatal departments of obstetric hospitals, they have 18.10±0.11 years of professional experience. 37.4% of neonatologists hold more than one rate. Of the sections of work prescribed in the job descriptions, 91.2% of doctors most like clinical work, 85.2% do not like medical document management mostly, which 32.1% of doctors would like to exclude from their duties completely. According to 37.8% of neonatologists, the professional standard does not fully reflect their job responsibilities. When assessing labour functions, doctors on the first place put the providing of medical care for newborns and premature babies immediately/directly after birth (in the delivery room), and the last — analysis of medical and statistical information and medical records management. More than 80% of neonatologists use additional professional education, trainings in simulation centres and participation in meetings, congresses, conferences, master classes and other educational events for professional growth and qualification category assignment. Almost all neonatologists feel fully responsible for the quality of their work (99.4%). Most doctors do not want to change their medical speciality (91.4%) and they are satisfied with the professional choice (91.6%).

Conclusion. In their professional activities, most neonatologists feel responsible for the quality of their work, they put providing of medical care to newborns on the first place and use all the opportunities for professional growth in most cases; the most negative reaction of doctors is caused by medical document management, which they consider the least important in their work.

About the authors

K E Moiseeva

Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-3476-5971
Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Russia


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© 2020 Moiseeva K.E.

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