Using modern information technologies for sanitary and epidemiologic well-being maintenance during mass events with international participation

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Aim. To assess the system for registration and account of infectious and parasitic diseases in Republic of Tatarstan useing software products for epidemiological situation managing, sanitary-and-epidemiologic emergencies prevention, hazards of infectious diseases onset and spreading that might be potentially dangerous for participants, visitors and local residents during XXVII Worldwide Universiade 2013 in Kazan.

Methods. Statistical forms №1 and №2 «Data on infectious and parasitic diseases» in the Republic of Tatarstan for the period of 2004 to 2013, 058/у forms (emergency notifications), «Infectious diseases registry» (journal №60) were used for data gaining. To analyze the prevalence of the diseases, software products («Population disease prevalence analysis»), «Social and hygienic monitoring» - «Krista» automated system, «Automated information system of epidemiological survey and emergencies prevention in the sphere of public healthcare during the 2013 Universiade» («Epidemiological safety» automated information system) software were used. Methods of epidemiological diagnosis and common methods of variance analysis (calculations of relative and mean values, statistical series analysis and statistical significance assessment) were used.

Results. Retrospective epidemiological analysis of infectious and parasitic diseases in Republic of Tatarstan and in Kazan city, monitoring of background epidemiological conditions in Kazan city using the «Population disease prevalence analysis» software products and «Krista» automated system, as well as on-stream epidemiological analysis of infectious and parasitic diseases prevalence among participants, visitors of the 2013 Kazan Universiade by introducing the «Epidemiological safety» automated information system increased the epidemiological diagnosis quality, allowed to timely identify epidemiological deviations, provide targeted sanitary and anti-epidemic measures and to assess their effect. Continuous interaction between the Tatarstan Regional Agency of the Federal Service for Surveillance in the Sphere of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare, Russian scientific and research institute for fighting plaque «Mikrob», Hygiene and epidemiology Center of the Republic of Tatarstan and healthcare institutions was provided during the 2013 Universiade.

Conclusion. Complex use of modern information technologies and introduction of «Epidemiological safety» automated information system while carrying out the 2013 Universiade allowed to completely implement the targeted management and technologic tasks for infective and parasitic diseases prevalence monitoring.

About the authors

M A Patyashina

Tatarstan Regional Agency of the Federal Service for Surveillance in the Sphere of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare, Kazan, Russia

Author for correspondence.

L R Yuzlibaeva

Tatarstan Regional Agency of the Federal Service for Surveillance in the Sphere of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare, Kazan, Russia



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© 2015 Patyashina M.A., Yuzlibaeva L.R.

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