Blood cells enzymes as an indicator of adaptive processes in newborns delivered off by mothers with iron deficiency anemia

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Aim. To explore the enzymes in blood cells of newborns from mothers with iron deficiency anemia.

Methods. During the study, 150 infants and their mothers underwent clinical and laboratory examination, of whom 130 infants had antenatal iron deficiency of different severity (main group), 20 children were included in the control group. Cytochemical analysis of peripheral blood was performed on 1st, 3rd, 7th day after birth by smear staining and determination of succinate dehydrogenase in lymphocytes, myeloperoxidase in neutrophils, acid and alkaline phosphatase in neutrophils and lymphocytes by microscopic analysis.

Results.Succinate dehydrogenase activity was reduced on the 3rd day of life in lymphocytes of the newborns of the first group who were delivered off by mothers with latent iron deficiency. Average level of acid phosphatase in lymphocytes and neutrophils was higher compared to controls throughout the study (p

Conclusion. Cytochemical studies of peripheral blood neutrophils and lymphocytes may be used as a screening test to assess the immunity in newborns who were delivered off by mothers with iron deficiency, and for personalized management of patients with comorbidities.

About the authors

G M Khaybullina

Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Author for correspondence.


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