Department of prosthetic dentistry staff - participants of the Great Patriotic War

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Leonid Mendeleevich Demner was born in August 3, 1923. In February 1944, he was drafted into the Red Army on the Leningrad front and served as a troop of 286th infantry division separate ski battalion, later - as a military translator of the 286th Infantry Division 996th Infantry regiment and in division headquarters of the same division in the 1st Ukrainian Front. He w as awarded with the Order of «Red Star», «World War II degree», the medal «For courage», «For Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War» and other awards. Discharged in May 1946, he worked as a dental technician trainee, dental technician and caster prosthodontist in denture clinic of Chernivtsi, and as a dentist, prosthetist in aviation hospital in Lviv. Since 1951 to 1956 he was a student of Molotov’s State Medical University. In 1956-1959 he worked in Izhevsk as the children’s department head and an orthodontist. In 1959-1962 he was a postgraduate student at the Department of Prosthetic Dentistry of Kazan Medical Institute. In 1963 he presented his PhD thesis, and in 1972 - doctoral dissertation. In 1969-1990 he worked as the head of the Prosthetic Dentistry Department of Kazan Medical Institute. Gabdulkhak Gil’mullovich Nasibullin was born in November 30, 1923. In 1937 he entered the Kazan midwifery school. In May 1942 he was drafted into the Soviet Army and sent as a battalion physician assistant to the 383rd Infantry Regiment. He served as a combat medic of the 7th Guards Army 167th separate tank battalion, medical platoon commander of the 81st Guards Division 233rd Infantry Regiment Battalion at the Steppe Front and 2nd Ukrainian Front. He was awarded with the Order of «Red Star» and «World War II degree», 12 medals. In 1950 he graduated from Kazan Dental Institute. Later, he worked as a dentist in the Perm region. In 1953-1956 he was trained as a clinical resident at the Department of Prosthetic Dentistry of Perm Medical Institute. In 1956-1976, he worked at the Department of Prosthetic Dentistry of Kazan Medical Institute. In 1964 he presented his PhD thesis, and in 1975 - his doctoral dissertation. In 1976-1982, he headed the department of orthopedic surgery and dentistry of the Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education named after V.I. Lenin in Kazan. In 1982-1993, he headed the Department of Prosthetic Dentistry at the Kazan State Medical Academy.

About the authors

G N Yudina

Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia

Author for correspondence.

G T Saleeva

Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia


R A Saleev

Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia



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© 2015 Yudina G.N., Saleeva G.T., Saleev R.A.

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