Blood and blood components preparation, storage and supply during the Great Patriotic War

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During the Great Patriotic War, work of health workers not only in frontline medical institutions of different levels, but also directly on the battlefield was invaluable. Sanitary losses, especially among combat medics taking the wounded from the battlefield, were the most crucial. During the war, military hospitals were established throughout the territory of the USSR where over 22 million of wounded were treated. 85% of them returned to the Army. The role of blood transfusion stations staff who supplied front and rear medical facilities by blood and its components is invaluable. The objective of the article - to illustrate the role and importance of medical service and its part - medical institutions dealing with blood and blood components collection, storage, processing and supply to military units, hospital, performing transfusions for the wounded. Archival materials and statistical data gained from various publications, wartime and postwar, were used. The gained data confirm the invaluable role of these services in providing medical aid to the wounded and the sick during the Great Patriotic War, as well as describe reorganization and flexible tactics of the blood service staff in accordance with the Great Patriotic War periods in supplying medical service with blood and its components. Blood service staff training and management measures allowed to uninterrupted supply front and rear medical institutions with blood. Blood service in different periods of the Great Patriotic War had undergone significant management changes in the section of the donation, processing and supply of medical facilities with blood, enabling to attract huge crowds of people in the USSR to donate blood, to ensure an uninterrupted, adequate supply of troops with blood.

About the authors

R G Turaev

Republican Blood Centre, Kazan, Russia; Kazan State Medical Academy, Kazan, Russia

Author for correspondence.

G R Khasanova

Municipal Outpatient Clinic №1, Kazan, Russia


I V Klyushkin

Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia


O V Boykova

Republican Blood Centre, Kazan, Russia



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© 2015 Turaev R.G., Khasanova G.R., Klyushkin I.V., Boykova O.V.

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