Evolution of the motivation for donating blood and blood components in the regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan

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Aim. To evaluate features of the evolution of blood donation in Kazakhstan, including motivation and types of donations.

Methods. Statistical data of blood donations in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2010-2014 were studied.

Results. In 2014, 51.8% of all blood donations in Kazakhstan were done by voluntary donors, 35.5% - by recipient’s relatives. The median proportion of paid donations in 2012-2014 years dropped by twice: 15.3; 10.5 and 7.6%, respectively. The number of platelet donations in 2010-2014 years increased by 717.3, of which 77% came from the cities of Astana and Almaty, where high-tech medical care is mainly provided. The number of plasma donations in 2014 compared to 2010 year has decreased by 35.7%, while its share in total number of donations dropped by 40.2%. Preparations are underway to contract plasma fractionation, becomes an actual the problem of determining blood donor reserves for plasma donations.

Conclusion. Voluntary blood donations (51.8%) prevail in Republic of Kazakhstan; the the number of platelet donations increased by 717.3% in 2010-2014, the number of plasma donations dropped by 40.2%, which reveals the potential for implementing contract fractionation.

About the authors

S V Skorikova

Research and Production Center of Transfusiology of Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana, Kazakhstan

Author for correspondence.
Email: tarkiff@mail.ru

Z K Burkitbaev

Research and Production Center of Transfusiology of Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana, Kazakhstan

Email: tarkiff@mail.ru

S A Abdrakhmanova

Research and Production Center of Transfusiology of Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana, Kazakhstan

Email: tarkiff@mail.ru

T N Savchuk

Research and Production Center of Transfusiology of Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana, Kazakhstan

Email: tarkiff@mail.ru

E B Zhiburt

National Medical and Surgical Centre named after N.I. Pirogov, Moscow, Russia

Email: tarkiff@mail.ru


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© 2015 Skorikova S.V., Burkitbaev Z.K., Abdrakhmanova S.A., Savchuk T.N., Zhiburt E.B.

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