Hematological and biochemical screening of blood donors in the Republic of Bashkortostan

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Aim. To assess the hematological and biochemical screening effectiveness in blood donors in the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Methods. The results of hematological and biochemical screening in blood donors in the Republic of Bashkortostan in 2008-2013 were studied.

Results. Centralizing and modernizing of blood donors examinations at the Republican Blood Transfusion Centre of the Bashkortostan Republic in 2008-2013 has led to an increase in the number of clinical blood analyses by 53.1%, reaching from 74.1 to 666.9% for some parameters. Studying platelet counts allows to choose platelets donors, whose blood is optimally used for preparing platelet-rich transfusion media. Leukocytosis (5.01%, 1748 of 34 899 subjects), leukopenia (0.1%; 34 of 34 899 subjects) and alterations in erythrocyte sedimentation rate (4.83%, 1574 of 32 581 subjects) may indicate a bacterial infection. In the presence of these signs, it might be appropriate do disallow donating platelets to prevent bacterial contamination of platelet concentrates and complications in the recipient, all the more so as the current mandatory control of blood products sterility is far from being perfect. Deviations in reticulocytes levels during the 6 years of follow up was discovered in 26 (0.05%) of 52 379 donors and in all cases was associated with a low concentration of hemoglobin. Obviously, the screening of this indicator is needless. The substantial part of potential donors infected with hepatitis B virus (80.6%) and C (65.2%) showed no evidence of cytolysis, which once again raises the question of the diagnostic value of alanine aminotransferase level screening in blood donors testing.

Conclusion. The excessiveness for combined screening for hemoglobin and hematocrit levels, reticulocyte concentrations, bilirubin levels was demonstrated. Efforts targeted at the forming of stable population of donors reduced the donation exemptions due to low hemoglobin level and presence of specific markers for viral hepatitis.

About the authors

U S Sultanbaev

Republican Blood Transfusion Centre, Ufa, Russia

Author for correspondence.
Email: ezhiburt@yandex.ru

R F Ayupova

Republican Blood Transfusion Centre, Ufa, Russia

Email: ezhiburt@yandex.ru

A K Salikhova

Republican Blood Transfusion Centre, Ufa, Russia

Email: ezhiburt@yandex.ru

L A Absalyamova

Republican Blood Transfusion Centre, Ufa, Russia

Email: ezhiburt@yandex.ru

Yu A Khabibullina

Republican Blood Transfusion Centre, Ufa, Russia

Email: ezhiburt@yandex.ru

I R Zakirova

National Medical and Surgical Centre named after N.I. Pirogov, Moscow, Russia

Email: ezhiburt@yandex.ru

R A Talipova

National Medical and Surgical Centre named after N.I. Pirogov, Moscow, Russia

Email: ezhiburt@yandex.ru

N S Kuz’min

National Medical and Surgical Centre named after N.I. Pirogov, Moscow, Russia

Email: ezhiburt@yandex.ru

A A Vergopulo

Republican Blood Transfusion Centre, Ufa, Russia

Email: ezhiburt@yandex.ru

L I Kayumova

Republican Blood Transfusion Centre, Ufa, Russia

Email: ezhiburt@yandex.ru


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© 2015 Sultanbaev U.S., Ayupova R.F., Salikhova A.K., Absalyamova L.A., Khabibullina Y.A., Zakirova I.R., Talipova R.A., Kuz’min N.S., Vergopulo A.A., Kayumova L.I.

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