Managing platelets bank in the regional blood supply service

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Aim. To develop the system of regional management of platelets bank based on the analysis of platelet concentrate supplies to Irkutsk region healthcare facilities.

Methods. Irkutsk Regional Blood Transfusion Center expedition service reporting forms, branch statistical reports, accounting records of blood supply service facilities of Irkutsk Region for 2014 were analyzed.

Results. To ensure the proper supply of Irkutsk region healthcare facilities with platelet concentrate, the main activities for stock management were determined: (1) key customers interaction management - by exploring the need for platelets and developing a mechanism for request planning for the next 7-9 days; (2) advance request execution - by donor acquisition, platelet concentrate production management, interaction with other institutions of the blood supply service; (3) platelet donation campaign. Regional management system for platelet stock was developed.

Conclusion. Regional management system for platelet stock consists of 7 elements: (1) constant interaction with key customers: daily monitoring of healthcare facilities’ needs for platelet concentrate and planned advance requests for platelet concentrates; (2) anticipatory appointments for donors for platelet apheresis; (3) formation of platelet donors registry; (4) providing pediatric dosages of platelet concentrates for pediatric healthcare facilities; (5) combination of different ways of platelet concentrates preparation (production of platelet concentrates recovered from regular blood donors blood allows to create a «safety net» for emergencies); (6) arranging the planned production of platelet concentrates for Irkutsk at the branches of Irkutsk Regional Blood Transfusion Center, as well as in other Irkutsk Region regional blood supply service facilities; (7) promotion of platelet donation in blood supply service facilities.

About the authors

M V Zarubin

Irkutsk Regional Blood Transfusion Center, Irkutsk, Russia

Author for correspondence.

M E Zaznobov

Irkutsk Regional Blood Transfusion Center, Irkutsk, Russia


N V Kurnosov

Irkutsk Regional Blood Transfusion Center, Irkutsk, Russia


T S Kaporskaya

Irkutsk Regional Clinical Hospital, Irkutsk, Russia


I V Kiselev

Irkutsk Regional Clinical Hospital, Irkutsk, Russia


E B Zhiburt

National Medical and Surgical Centre named after N.I. Pirogov, Moscow, Russia



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© 2015 Zarubin M.V., Zaznobov M.E., Kurnosov N.V., Kaporskaya T.S., Kiselev I.V., Zhiburt E.B.

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