Modern approaches to abdominal drainage in diffuse peritonitis

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An overview of domestic and foreign literature reflecting modern approaches to abdominal drainage in diffuse peritonitis is presented. Materials and methods of drainage are described, the results of some randomized clinical trials exploring the effectiveness of abdominal drainage are analyzed. This medical manipulation is one of the first methods of debridement, which does not lose importance to this day, despite a long history. Drains reduce and inhibit the antibacterial and absorbent function of the peritoneum. At this stage, silicone drains, known for flexibility, durability and the possibility of long-term use are widespread. Use of drainages is limited in time, as they are not biologically inert and become bounded from the abdominal by adhesions and fibrin deposits. So far, there are heated debates about how to drainage, drainage installation method, frequency of use and indications. Good performance of the drainages can be achieved only if they function constantly, like in abdominal dialysis. Of course, this does not mean that drains should not be used in treatment of peritonitis, but they should be placed under strict indications. Thus, despite the large experience, the question of the abdominal drainage utility at peritonitis remains open, as currently applied improved methods for drainage have several disadvantages and the use of any method is often controversial. The development of new, highly effective methods of abdominal cavity debridement in peritonitis is an actual task, especially at the present stage of medical technologies development.

About the authors

E K Salakhov

Mendeleyevsk Central District Hospital, Mendeleyevsk, Russia

Author for correspondence.

K K Salakhov

Mendeleyevsk Central District Hospital, Mendeleyevsk, Russia



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