Evaluation of the level of glycoproteins in the vitreous body in degenerative diseases of the retina

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Aim. A comparative assessment of fibronectin and laminin levels in the vitreous body in patients with idiopathic macular hole, epimacular fibrosis and age-related macular degeneration.

Methods. Glycoprotein levels were measured in the vitreous body of 63 patients aged 56 to 81 years (65±2.8 years). The first group included 24 patients with idiopathic macular hole, second group - 14 patients with epimacular fibrosis, third group - 15 patients with the wet form of age-related macular degeneration. The control group included 10 patients with contusion dislocation of the lens into the vitreous body without signs of retinal pathology.

Results. Laminin level in the vitreous body in patients of the control group was 0.71±0.03 mg/ml, fibronectin level - 34±5.5 mg/ml, no association of these parameters with patients’ age and sex was revealed. Laminin and fibronectin levels in vitreous body of patients with idiopathic macular hole were 0.8±0.23 and 32.8±2.1 mg/ml, respectively, in patients with epimacular fibrosis - 0.8±0.23 and 32.0±0.53 mg/ml, respectively, and in patients with wet form of age-related macular degeneration - 0.9±0.25 and 33.0±1.65 mg/ml, respectively. Strong direct association between laminin level in the vitreous body and retinal thickness was revealed in patients with idiopathic macular hole and epimacular fibrosis.

Conclusion. The link between the retinal thickness and laminin level might indicate the involvement of laminin in degenerative changes of the retina on the level of vitreoretinal interface and inner retinal layers.

About the authors

U R Altynbaev

Medical and sanitary unit of JSC «Tatneft» and the city of Almetyevsk, Almetyevsk, Russia

Author for correspondence.
Email: uralaltynbaev@rambler.ru


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© 2015 Altynbaev U.R.

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