Contemporary issues and prospects of skin-sparing mastectomy performance in patients with breast cancer

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For breast reconstructive surgery oncological requirements are imposed, which include the principle of radicality, ablastics, antiblastics and minimal impact on the general and disease-free survival rate, as well as aesthetical requirements - excised breast volume replacement, recovery of tactile sensitivity and shape most closely resembling the natural one. The mastectomy technique determines the breast reconstruction aesthetic results. In 1991 skin-sparing mastectomy combined with the one-stage breast reconstruction, which allows to preserve the organ skin, was described by B.A. Toth and P. Lappert. In 1997, G. Carlson proposed the classification of incisions for skin-sparing mastectomy, which considers both aesthetic and oncological aspects of the surgery, thereby it is successfully used to the present day. In 2003, R.M. Simmons published his incision classification in skin-sparing mastectomy, which differs from the G. Carlson classification only by type III incision. Determinant factors for skin-sparing mastectomy type choice are the presence of scars from previous biopsies, tumor topographic and anatomical parameters and planned reconstruction method. Selection of the appropriate incision type for skin-sparing mastectomy depends on the location and the tumor invasion depth in the breast tissue, the distance of the tumor from the nipple-areola complex and aesthetically favorable zones, as well as biometric data (the areola diameter, breast hypertrophy and ptosis) and the patient desires. Thus skin-sparing mastectomy is aimed to the closest possible to the preoperative level result achievement.

About the authors

A Kh Ismagilov

Kazan State Medical Academy, Kazan, Russia

Author for correspondence.

A S Vanesyan

Tatarstan Regional Clinical Cancer Center, Kazan, Russia


A R Khamitov

Kazan State Medical Academy, Kazan, Russia



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© 2015 Ismagilov A.K., Vanesyan A.S., Khamitov A.R.

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