Stages of ovarian and endometrial cancer detection in women in the postmenapausal period in Baku city

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Aim. To study the severity (according to the stages at the time of diagnosis) of female genital cancer detected in postmenopausal women in Baku in 2016–2018.

Methods. 306 postmenopausal women with various tumors of the reproductive system were examined. The average age of the examined women was 59.3±0.4 (48–83) years. 166 (54.2%) out of 306 patients had malignant tumors of the genitalia including ovarian cancer (n=97), endometrial cancer (n=50), cervical cancer (n=13), uterine sarcoma (n=6). Clinical, functional, laboratory, radiological, and morphological studies were performed. For the analysis of the obtained digital data, discriminant analysis methods were applied. The rate (Р%) and its 95% confidence intervals (±mp%) of ovarian and endometrial cancer of the postmenopausal period among female citizens of Baku were calculated. Statistical significance of the difference between the indicators in the groups was determined by Pearson χ2-criterion. All calculations were performed in Excel 2013 and SPSS-20.

Results. According to the data of the study, ovarian cancer in the postmenopausal period was diagnosed in 15.5±3.7% of females at stage I, in 8.2±2.8% at stage II, in 66.0±4.8% at stage III, in 10.3±3.1% at stage IV of the development of the tumor process. In 68.0±6.6% of patients with endometrial cancer in the postmenopausal period, the tumor was determined at stage I, in 30.0±6.5% of patients at stage II, and in 2.0±2.0% of patients at stage III of the development of the tumor process. On comparison of the stages at detection of ovarian and endometrial cancer, a significant difference between these two forms of malignant neoplasms was found for both stages I and III.

Conclusion. Detection of genital tumors in postmenopausal women is characterized by the diagnosis of ovarian cancer mainly in the later stages of the disease (compared to endometrial cancer), which indicates the need to develop effective screening methods for earlier detection of this tumor process.

About the authors

M A Garashova

Azerbaijan Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Azerbaijan, Baku, Azerbaijan


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