Alfacalcidol use in complex therapy of atopic dermatitis

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Aim. To study clinical course of atopic dermatitis and improve dermatosis therapeutic tactics in vitamin D deficiency. Study design - comparative observational open-label study.

Methods. 67 patients with a verified «atopic dermatitis» diagnosis were selected to study. Serum calcidol level below 75 nmol/l was observed in 32 patients what was the basis to division of the observed patients into two groups. Conventional therapy (local glucocorticoids and moistening agents, systemic administration of non-specific anti-inflammatory and desensitizing agents) was administered to all patients. Vitamin D active form - alfacalcidol (Alpha D3-Teva) was administered to patients of the second group as a part of complex therapy.

Results. Good clinical results have been achieved amid the treatment, in 21 days SCORAD index decreased by 86.56% in the first group, in the second - by 93.63%, with the clinical remission achievement in over 75% of patients in both groups. Atopic dermatitis complex therapy using alfacalcidol contributed to the normalization of the vitamin D concentration (from 42.92±2.87 to 79.26±4.92 nmol/l) and total calcium level (from 1.97±0.4 to 2, 21±0,8 mmol/l), reduced TEWL measurement and increased corneometry results. The therapy did not contribute to the sebometry data change in both groups.

Conclusion. Vitamin D deficiency leads to more severe atopic dermatitis course; complex treatment of this disease with alfacalcidol facilitated normalization of serum vitamin D level and tendency to the epidermal barrier recovery, what opens new possibilities in the treatment of atopic dermatitis.

About the authors

V Yu Pestova

Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry named after A.I. Evdokimov, Moscow, Russia

Author for correspondence.


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© 2015 Pestova V.Y.

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