Motor disorders and hip joint dysplasia in newborns and infants

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Aim. To detect the neurogenic motor disorders in children with hip joint dysplasia. Methods. Clinical analysis of hip joint dysplasia and neurogenic motor disorders symptoms in newborns and infants was performed. Children were distributed into two groups: the first group included children with hypertonic muscles of the lower extremities and restrictions of hip abduction, the second group included children with diffuse hypotonia and hip and knee bent in a specific position («frog» symptom). Results. Analysis of perinatal life of children included in the study showed that in 100% of cases diseases of mother and fetus were observed in these children. All children with hip dysplasia were also present with clinical features of nervous system disorders. Patients with central motor lesions have symptoms of pyramidal insufficiency such as hip adductors hypertonia, often treated as restrictions of hip abduction by orthopedists. Patients with the segmental motor lesions presented with flaccid paresis accompanied by hip joint hypermobility, which leads to excessive external rotation of the hip. A similar clinical picture is observed in diffuse muscle weakness caused by neonatal posterior cerebral circulation vascular accidents. In both cases soft tissues and pelvic bone nutrition is impaired. Conclusion. The common pathogenesis of hip joint dysplasia and motor disorders implies that children with these diseases should be treated jointly by neurologist and orthopedist.

About the authors

E Y Zharova

Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia



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© 2013 Zharova E.Y.

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